At ExamineDental we are passionate about dental education and empowering dental students and dentists as we want you to achieve your maximum potential. We aim to enhance your study and revision, bring you more educational success and encourage career development through unique services and functionality.
The Story
At the start of dental school, I struggled with revision and finding high-quality dental education and revision resources – it was a fruitless search that led to frustration. They were either too expensive or lacking in content or quality. This led to me initially developing the website dentalnotebook in 2013, which provide revision notes for dentists and dental students. dentalnotebook has been a huge success but I felt there was more to give in dental education and helping dentists develop.
I decided to embark on a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education and after passing this, became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. During this time, I published an exam revision book – Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry. This has had a phenomenal response and students and dentists have found this extremely helpful and a crucial form of dental education.
However, I felt that there was still more to give and more to develop to make revision easier and more productive. I still felt that there wasn’t much help for interview preparation or MFDS revision. I thought back to the expensive revision resources that I had to access before and the lack of content that was available. This led to the development of ExamineDental. ExamineDental aims to be a one-stop revision and interview preparation website with a constantly expanding question bank and 1-to-1 tutoring sessions as well. Explore the website to see how ExamineDental is right for you.
~ Mr Prateek Biyani BDS (Hons.) MFDS RCPS(Glasg.) Cert Med Ed FHEA MDFTEd