Basic Dental Instruments
ToggleBasic Dental Instruments
By the end of these revision notes, you should:
The basic structure of dental instruments
There are a huge number of dental instruments. There are instruments for a dental examination, a restoration, endodontic treatment and oral surgery to name a few. These revision notes will cover the basic dental instruments, predominantly for a dental examination.
Every dental hand instrument has a basic structure:
- Working end – the part of the instrument that is actively doing a job. It is typically at an angle to the contact surface.
- Shank – this is the connection between the handle and the working end. It usually has some bends and angles to allow access to different areas in the mouth.
- Handle – this is the portion that is held by the operator.

Basic Dental Examination Kit
There are four key dental instruments in an exam kit: a dental mirror, a dental probe, a basic periodontal probe and a set of college tweezers.

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