Oral Ulceration
ToggleOral Ulceration
By the end of these revision notes, you should:
What are ulcers?
Oral ulceration may be primary (occurring on their own) or secondary (occurring as vesicles first then turning in to ulcers).
Ulcers represent a break in the epithelium, which exposed the underlying connective tissue. The full thickness of the epithelium is typically replaced by a fibrinous slough, with. a mix of inflammatory cells.
Causes of ulcers
There are many causes of ulcers, which all present with different histories and have different methods of management. Oral ulceration may occur as a single or multiple episodes and may present as a single lesion or multiple lesions. Causes of oral ulceration include:
- Trauma
- Malignancies
- Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS)
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Anaemia
- Drug-induced
- Irradation
- Herpes infections
- Vesicular bullous disorders
- Lichen planus
- Erythema multiforme
- Behçets disease

Taking an oral ulceration history

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