ToggleWhat is the IOTN?
By the end of these revision notes, you should:
What is the IOTN?
The IOTN refers to the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. It is a key tool used in orthodontics to try to objectively assess a patient’s malocclusion. It is used heavily in NHS dentistry to determine whether a patient qualifies for care on the NHS. It is an assessment of the NEED for treatment, but it does not consider how complex or long treatment may be.
There are two parts to the IOTN:
- Dental Health Component (DHC)
- Aesthetic Component (AC)
Dental Health Component (DHC)
The DHC is used to determine the nature and severity of a patient’s malocclusion. The system is a grading system scored from 1 to 5, with 5 being the most severe. The aim is to identify the worst aspect of the malocclusion and score this. The DHC is also a hierarchical scale which gives priority. to some problems over others.

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