Radiographic Assessment of Wisdom Teeth
ToggleRadiographic Assessment of Wisdom Teeth
By the end of these revision notes, you should:
Why is correct radiographic assessment of wisdom teeth important?
Thorough and correct radiographic assessment of wisdom teeth will allow the following:
- Inform patients accurately about their clinical situation – we will be able to enlighten patients more about the complexity of extraction and the risks they want to know about. This is key to consenting the patient properly.
- Increase confidence during the procedure – by correctly assessing the wisdom tooth, we can prepare for the prcoedure more thoroughly. For example, determining if the tooth will require sectioning or risk of damage to adjacent teeth.
- Identify, predict and mitigate complications – this will again form the basis for consenting the patient correctly. Rather than creating excuses when a complication occurs, we can forewarn the patient and also plan and prepare to mitigate a complication where possible.
How to carry out radiographic assessment of wisdom teeth
A helpful acronym to work with to ensure you cover everything when assessing wisdom teeth is CRAP.
Angulation + Inferior Alveolar Nerve
Pathology + Peripherals

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